Thank you to everyone who participated! The quiz is still up for your entertainment and edification; feel free to take it. The results are still being logged, both in case more data is necessary and to monitor the system.
Result are being analyzed and written up, and a report will be available soon.
Greetings! This is both a "meme" style quiz to determine your sexual style... and a research project for a class in human sexuality. That means your answer will be stored (with no identifying information about who you are) for data for a paper. If you're not cool with that, you probably shouldn't take this quiz.
This quiz is about sex. If reading about or being asked questions about sex, and how you do it freaks you out, offends you, or is something you just don't like... don't take this quiz. By clicking the "Go to quiz" button below, you are signifying that you consent to reading questions about sex and consent to participating in this study.
You have to be over 13 years old (yes, that's in Earth years, wiseguy) to take this quiz. There's laws where I am against recording information via websites from people under 13, so if you're a kid under 13, please respect that, mkay?
This quiz requires "cookies". The web browser kind.
This project, all of its research, development, writing, and computer programming, was done by Vanessa Layne, a graduate student in Mental Health Counseling at Cambridge College, Cambridge, Massachusetts, for a class in human sexuality. All errors are hers. She may be reached at vl plus-sign mosherquiz at this domain.
All information presented here is for educational and entertainment purposes, and does not establish a counseling relationship.