Those composers attending the Knowne World Dance Symposium are invited by Tibicen of Carolingia to demonstrate their mastery of the Art and Science of Music, by realizing the Tenor for the basse dance "Vaten mon amoureux desir", which is the 48th in the Book of Marie of Burgundy and the notes of which are thus:
|| g g b c' d' d' c' c' b a a g b a g f a g f e d d g f g g f g d' c' d' c' d' b g b a g g ||
And appears in full below.
And to use as their model and guide in this endeavor any specific pre-1600 realization of La Spagna (aka La Rey de Spagna) of their choice.
And then to convene with their Fellows upon Sunday the 10th of June at 2:15pm (the third class period) with 10 copies of their composition, 10 copies of the La Spagna which was each their guide, and their instruments, there to present their works and comment upon the works of one another.
NOTE: This is not a competition. This is a round-table. It is a game. The rules of the game are: you have to pick a Spagna from before 1600. It doesn't *have* to be a "danceable" Spagna, but, hey. But you have to pick one and declare it as your model, and bring copies of *it, too* for comparison purposes. The point is not just to play music but to go over one another's works with a proverbial red pen, and "round table" them, just like writers of fiction do their works. If that doesn't sound like a party for you, you may not want to play this game.
Also bring an/some instruments on which to play. Note that this slot is only 1.5 hrs, and if we get too many submissions (where too many is probably >3), the first thing which will be triaged is playing the example Spagnas. After that point, we may just not have time for everyone. If you want to be assured of a place, email me, and I will try to take people on a first-reserved-first-served basis.
It is requested that participants permit their copies of their original works be retained by the other workshop members, so that each of us may have a full set of the works presented.
You have 23 days; gentles, start your engines....
-- Tibicen